You Are What You Wear: The Fashion and Self-Care Connection

While it’s true that your clothing affects the way others perceive you, it also affects the way you see yourself. There is a great deal of truth behind the saying, “look good, feel good.” Fashion goes beyond the surface – more than labels and what’s trending, fashion is self-care.

Studies show what you wear influences your thoughts, feelings and behavior. The way you dress sets the stage for how you will approach your day.

Ladies, think about the way you feel when you wear high heels: confident, sexy and ready to take on the world. Men, think about the way you feel when you wear a suit: powerful, polished, and James Bond smooth.

The Science of Enclothed Cognition

Researchers Hajo Adam and Adam D. Galinsky coined the term “enclothed cognition”, exploring how clothes affect the psychology of the wearer.
In their experiments, they examined the effects of wearing a lab coat – the type of clothing associated with attentiveness and carefulness. Participants were asked to complete various attention-related tasks and those who wore the lab coat performed significantly better than those who weren’t wearing lab coats.
Dr. Galinsky explained “you have to wear the coat, see it on your body and feel it on your skin for it to influence your psychological processes.”

So, how do you dress for success? What can we wear to feel like the best version of ourselves?

If you want to be bold, you need to dress the part. And it all starts with choosing the right color.

According to Psychologists S.C. Robert, R. C. Owen and J. Havlicek, color has an unconscious effect on your posture and facial expressions. Wearing a powerful color like red or black makes others see you as more powerful.

And here’s another fun fact: Did you know red clothing is associated with success in sports? Yes, as it turns out, winners wear red. If you’re an athlete, keep this in mind as you browse through active wear and athleisure.

Activewear Promotes Physical Activity

According to a study conducted by Victoria University, wearing activewear does, in fact, encourage exercise. With busy schedules and a to-do list a mile long, many of us make excuses to put physical activity on the backburner. But as it turns out, if you’re dressed in activewear, it increases the changes you will get moving.

When it comes to making healthier lifestyle choices, “sometimes the first step is actually associating with it, wearing something that makes you feel healthier,” said Lead researcher Associate Professor Clare Hanlon.

If you’re new to the workout scene, and feeling anxious or self-conscious about what to wear, activewear is available in various cuts, patterns, and colors – customized to suit every body type and personal style.
When it comes to exercise, having the right mentality is more than half the battle. Since clothes affect our attitude, wearing something that you feel comfortable in that will give you the extra confidence boost you need.